Profile PictureMaxwel Avali

Latex Gloves and Socks for Spiri'vali

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Latex Gloves and Socks for Spiri'vali

7 ratings

A pair of shiny rubber socks and matching gloves to accessorize your chicken with!

What you get:

  • A set of Shiny and Fashionable Gloves and Socks for your Spiri'vali
  • 10 VRCFury Prefabs
  • 40 Material Presets (Transparent / Opaque, with and without Audiolink, With and without Colored Seams, as well as Clean, Dirty, Grippy and Dirty Grippy versions for the Socks)
  • Substance file to make your own Textures
  • UV Layout
  • Blend file with pre-setup material

What you need:

  • Spiri'vali by Hiyu (Link)
  • VRCFury (Link)
  • Poiyomi Toon Shader 9.x

How to add the Gloves and Socks to your Avatar:
To add the Gloves and Socks to your Avatar in Unity you simply drag the prefab into your avatars root; VRCFury handles ALMOST everything else; you will just need to manually assign the Root Transform for a pair of physbones.
Step-by-step instructions are included in the README file as well as a video here on Gumroad showing the process.
It is also possible to add it in Blender (or manually in Unity), however, this requires some more advanced know-how.

Future Plans
I am planning on soon releasing a version of these that ideally uses the same SkinnedMeshRenderer and UV Space as the bodysuit, meaning you'd only need to have one skinned mesh and one material.
However I am currently still in the process of working out the logistics for this at this time!

Known Issues
Depending on how the toes move (Specifically when using the 2D puppet to bend them downwards), It might come to some occasional clipping on the underside.
This should NOT be visible to the person wearing the socks and I have not noticed it during testing.
I will however still try to minimize this as much as possible in future versions.

Issues / Feedback:
Found an Issue? Clipping or anything else? Let me know!
I will try my absolute best to fix the issue as soon as possible.
You can contact me via my Discord Server.

Pairs Great with my Bodysuit for the Spiri'vali!

Commission Policy & Public Avatars:
You are free to use this asset on public VRC avatars (I'd love to see what you come up with!).
For commissions, both parties need to own the asset.
You are not allowed to share any part of this asset with a 3rd party that does not also own it.

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Tris (Socks)
Tris (Gloves)
Material Slots Total (Gloves + Socks)
Material Presets
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