Profile PictureMaxwel Avali

Simple Lanyard for Da'vali

4 ratings
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Simple Lanyard for Da'vali

4 ratings

Nothing fancy, just a simple Lanyard for all your badge holding needs!

What you get:

  • A Simple and stylish Lanyard for your Da'vali
  • Three Material Presets (Dark, Light, Signal Orange)
  • Pre setup Physbones + Colliders
  • Substance file to make your own Textures
  • UV Layout
  • Blend file with pre setup material
  • Compatible with the Da’vali Hoodie by Soren (Link)
  • Fully Compatible and Optimized for my Bodysuit (Link) and Catsuit (Link) Asset

What you need:

Comming Soon
More Optimized versions using only 1 Material Slot & Possibly Improved Physbones

How to add the Lanyard to your Avatar:
Unity: Place the Prefab into the bottom of your Projects Hierarchy, then drop it under the Chest bone in your Avatars armature, Done!

Blender: You can alternatively attach it via blender by simply Parenting the Lanyard armature to the chest bone.

Issues / Feedback:
Found an Issue? Clipping or anything else? Let me know!
I will try my absolute best to fix the issue as soon as possible.
You can contact me via my Discord Server.

Comission Pollicy & Public Avatars:
You are free to use this Asset on Public Avatars (I'd love to see what you come up with!).
For Commissions, both parties need to own the asset.

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Tris Lanyard (Normal Version)
Tris Lanyard (Hoodie Version)
Tris Badge
Material Slots Lanyard
Material Slots Badge
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